     Over the last twenty years, Tony Kail has been researching religious cultures and spiritual folklore among magico-religious groups . He has interviewed hundreds of practitioners and collected artifacts from around the world. Many of his artifacts and documentaries have been used to train forensic professionals about religious cultures and ritual customs. He is the author of 'Magico-Religious Groups and Ritualistic Practices: A Guide for First Responders' from CRC Press. His primary focus is to educate public safety agencies on cross cultural responses to religious cultures.

He has written for FATE Magazine, Law and Order, Police Quarterly and the Journal of Counterterrorism. He has appeared on numerous television and radio shows including the History Channel's UFO Hunters.

Kail is founder of 'Safe Spiritual Practices' a grassroots humanitarian project dedicated to providing health education programs to indigenous communities of East Africa focusing on ending child exorcisms and violent witch hunts.